Akshay Malhotra

Electrical Engineering
Penn State University, USA
“I had the opportunity to spend three months in Jicamarca in summer of 2006 when I was selected in the Jicamarca summer school program for international students, then in its very first year. As someone already equipped with some experience of analyzing radar data, actually seeing a radar in operation and understanding the nuances of it turned out to be an invaluable learning experience. My discussions and interactions with Dr. Chau and Dr. Woodman have helped me become a better student of the radar. I would like to thank everyone at Jicamarca for making my trip and the whole experience a very pleasant one. The fact that I have visited Jicamarca thrice in the past one year and am already looking forward to hopefully visit again in the near future goes to show how much I enjoyed and learnt from my summer school experience in Jicamarca. I wish the Jicamarca summer school program all the best for the future years and hope many students get a chance to make the most of this opportunity in the future!!”
Leonard Tracy

Electrical Engineering
Washington University, USA
“I found my visit to JRO to be extremely rewarding. I was inspired by the accomplishments and the dedication exhibited by the students, scientists and engineers I met while working at the observatory. I found the environment to be very friendly and supporting. I was able to put into practice many skills I had learned before arriving, and I was able to learn about and gain experience in fields I hadn’t before studied. I also greatly enjoyed experiencing the rich culture of Peru. I made many friends in my short time there, and I cannot wait to return.”