Aron Young

Student of Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering
Illinois Institute of Tecnology, USA
“At JRO, I have been impressed by the friendly and helpful staff, relaxing and encouraging working atmosphere. I have learned quite a lot from fellow JIREPers, informational presentations by JRO staff and the challenging JIREP project. It has been a wonderful ride.”
Ian Collet

Student of Engineering Physics
University of Colorado Boulder, USA
“I enjoyed my time at the Jicamarca Radio Observatory immensely. I learned a lot about radars, signal processing, and scientific computing. The things that I’ve learned here will surely come in handy as I begin my graduate education. The people here (at the observatory, and in Peru in general) are very friendly, and are always willing to help. My visit to Peru during these ten weeks truly was an opportunity to see the world from a different perspective (literally, it was my first time in the Southern Hemisphere).”
Binghui Wang

Student of Electrical Engineering
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA
“Working at Jicamarca is pleasant and it had a great impact on my research in graduate school. I had chance to communicate the experienced scientists and engineers in ISR.The staff here are very nice, they helped me a lot with my project and we had great fun off work as well. JIREP experience definitely became one of my best experience in my life. I am looking forward to revisit here in a near future!”
Sreeba Sreekumar

Student of Physics
Indian Institute of Geomagnetism (IIG), India
“JIREP provided a great opportunity for me academically as well as personally. During the program, scientists/engineers gave a good description of the radar systems.This was a good training experience which I could get during my research degree. JRO was an inspiring place and provided very good working environment.It was a valuable work experience! ”