Aron Young

Student of Aerospace Engineering
Illinois Institute of Tecnology, USA

“JRO is an impressive institution. It is staffed by intelligent and gregarious researchers and engineers, who provided both a warm social atmosphere and detailed explanations on how to study the ionosphere through remote sensing. I would suggest the JIREP program to anyone interested in learning about what happens in the upper atmosphere from talented, welcoming people. Thank you for this opportunity!”.

Yanlin Li

Student of Electrical Engineering
Miami University, USA

“JIREP is certainly one of the most helpful research program I have ever participated as a student. The program provided wonderful research environment and enormous amount of data that will definitely help my research. I had a great time in JRO and will recommend this program to anyone interested in remote sensing and ionosphere research.”.

Kiwook Lee

Student of Electrical Engineering
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA

“JIREP has been one of the most enriching experiences I have had as a graduate student. Scientists in JRO and my colleagues really broadened my knowledge of the Ionosphere and various types of antennas. I would highly recommend this program to anyone who is interested in learning the physical side of remote sensing.”.

Gilda Gonzales

Doctora en Ciencias Exactas e Ingeniería
Universidad Nacional de Tucumán, Argentina

“I really appreciate had been part of the JIREP program. I am a PhD student and this program gave me the tools I needed to continue my research work. In addition, I was able to interact with higly calificated scientists and engineers. It was an enriching experience!”.