Session 1: The Sun and solar-terrestrial interactions
The temporal scales of the different phenomena in the Sun-Earth coupled system range from minutes to centuries. Changes on Earth can arise directly from the modulation of the energy radiated by the Sun due to the cycle of 11 years and its changes, from the direct and cumulative effects of lower scale variations, associated to the solar rotation, or from eruptive events that occur with different rates and intensities during the different phases of the solar activity cycle. The Sun session during the X COLAGE will include topics such as the generation of the solar magnetic field and the solar dynamo, with a view on magnetic flux emergence and active region formation, which are associated with the long temporal scale of solar variations. This session will also deal with transient active phenomena, which are the drivers of space weather in the short temporal scale. Solar flare and coronal mass ejection (CMEs) models, including particle acceleration mechanisms, filament eruptions, and the relevance of cavities in the genesis of CMEs will be main topics in this session. Results of current missions, devoted to the Sun and its near surroundings, will be also presented.

Session 2: The Heliosphere and Cosmic Rays
New generations of space and ground observations, combined with high performance numerical simulations, have provided major advances on the knowledge about different processes/structures in the heliosphere and the energetic particles involved. This session will be a forum for discussions on scientific aspects of the heliosphere and cosmic rays. Topics will cover, but will not be limited to, interplanetary manifestation of solar eruptive phenomena, solar wind structures, those interplanetary objects which are relevant for solar-terrestrial physics, physics of the outer heliosphere, outer edge of the heliosphere, solar energetic particles in the solar wind, transient and stationary cosmic rays modulation in the heliosphere, and new ground cosmic rays observatories. We also welcome contributions related to all ongoing and planned space missions, ground-based experiments, numerical simulations, and theoretical researches.

Session 3: The magnetosphere
In this Session we would like to cover the following topics for presentations and discussions.
• Solar wind-magnetosphere interaction and energy/momentum transfer.
• Magnetic field reconnection at the magnetopause and in the tail plasma sheet.
• Polar cap potential variability.
• Magnetic storms and substorms.
• Variability of magnetospheric current systems.
• Magnetosphere-ionosphere coupling.
• Dynamics of the radiation belts.
• Magnetospheric dynamics and space weather variability.

Session 4: The ionosphere and the upper atmosphere
This session will accept general contributions in the field of equatorial, low- and mid-latitude mesosphere, thermosphere and ionosphere from observational (ground-based and space-borne), theoretical and simulation studies. Results related to the space weather effects in the Ionosphere are of special interest, as well as coupling between the lower atmosphere and the ionosphere.

Session 5: Space Weather and Space Climate
The general topic for this session is solar and interplanetary research and applications in space weather. Presentations and posters in the following topics are welcome.
• Observations and modeling: Prominence destabilization and CMEs and their counterparts in the heliosphere; Energetic Particle events; Remote sensing using combined white-light, radio and EUV observations. Magnetic clouds; Impact on the Earth’s environment.
• Space Weather modeling and monitoring; Monitoring of Geomagnetic Storms; Diagnostic and the forecast of Space Weather.
• Solar cycle and long-term trends and advances in Space Weather

Session 6: Plasma physics of solar system, planets and exoplanets
This session covers the study of space plasmas, from the fundamental physical processes taking place in plasmas, to applications in our solar system, planetary processes and exoplanets.

Session 7: Nonlinear Processes in Space Geophysics
This session will consist of invited and contributed talks/posters on original research furthering knowledge of the theory, numerical simulation, observation and laboratory experiment of nonlinear processes in all branches of space geophysics including planetary, solar system and exoplanetary sciences.

Session 1. The Sun and solar-terrestrial interactions
Convener Cristina Mandrini, co-convener Francisco Frutos

Session 2. The Heliosphere and Cosmic Rays
Convener Sergio Dasso, co-convener Allison Dal Lago

Session 3. The Magnetosphere
Convener Walter González, co-convener Román Pérez

Session 4. The Ionosphere and upper Atmosphere
Convener Inez Batista, co-convener Jorge Chau

Session 5. Space Weather and Space Climate
Convener Lela Taliashvili, co-convener Ernesto Aguilar

Session 6. Plasma Physics of Solar System Planets and Exoplanets
Convener Daniel Gómez, co-convener Dolores Maravilla

Session 7. Nonlinear Processes in Space Geophysics
Convener Abraham Chian, co-convener Alejandro Valdivia

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